We Protect | We Invest | We Distribute

How to get your personal finances sorted has got to be one of the most boring blog posts I’ve ever done, but it’s one of the most important first steps for anyone and everyone to take. So we’re going to look at what you can and should do right now, before you worry about any other aspect of investing or finances.

In an ideal world, we’d have no debt and a ton of savings. But if life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, then you might find yourself with some debt. In which case, the question I often get is – Is it worth having any savings if I’ve still got some debt?
Well, the simple answer is – do what you want. I don’t care.
Longer and more caring answer is…… well, it’s the rest of this blog post.

​Not sure if you know this, but one day you’ll die. I hope it’s not for a very long time, and then it’s a really impressive way that you do finally go. But in life it’s one of the certainties we all have to deal with. And let’s face it, when you’re dead, you probably don’t care much about money anymore. But you may like a few people who end up sticking around after you’ve gone. And this is why we have Life Cover.

Do you spend money on things each month? If you stopped working, and stopped getting paid, would that become slightly more of a hassle? Then you might benefit from income protection. ​IP stops you from having to move back in with your parents, eat beans on toast, sell everything you own, and generally be broke as fuck.

The cost of raising a child is high indeed but one large chunk of that sum will of course go to their education. Saving up for everything your child needs will not be feasible as many of these bills are hard to predict and are mostly recurring through his/her life (medical, upkeep, hobbies and basic needs). But education is a different thing altogether.

Recently I seem to be hearing a lot on the internet and from the peers around me who are starting to buy houses, “Eh, why MLTA is better than MRTA?”, “Whats the difference between MRTA and MLTA?”. These are all common questions asked by people who are looking to buy property. So here’s an explanation and a picture for you!

The most important job you have, is being your own financial adviser
You’re one of my favorite people – because you’re reading my stuff – but as much as I love you, I don’t care about your wealth as much as you do. Financial advisers or advisors, I never know the difference, are paid to help you look after your money. But I bet they care about their own wealth more than yours, and I’m certain that you care about your own wealth more than they do.