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Family Walking
   Our Consultants' Choice   


Your love for them never has to end

Why should you care ?
What am I paying for?  Why should I invest any time or money in this? 
Malaysia's road accident death rate is the 3rd highest in Asia.
An average of 50 person dies everyday in Malaysia.
The average cost of a child's education in Malaysia from primary school up to university undergraduate is RM121,465
No one can predict the future.
If one day, you pass away without any financial protection in place, all you'll be leaving your loved ones would be
Pricey Funeral Expenses
Family living paycheck to paycheck
Business Loans
Car Loans
Student Debt
Children's education neglected
For your peace of mind, we offer a plan that can help stretch your ringgit to protect yourself and the people who rely on you.
" Leave Love Not Debts For Your Family "
Do you have a financial back up plan to secure your family's future ?
This plan offers you peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will be able to continue to enjoy the quality of life they are accustomed to should the unexpected happen. 
High coverage for peace of mind
Allianz PremierLink provides death and Total and Permanent Disability1 (TPD) coverage, where in the event of death or TPD it pays out the coverage amount plus the balance in the investment account.
Boost your protection with affordable premiums
Investing in your family’s future and protecting your loved ones over the long-term does not necessarily have to come at a high cost. With affordable premium plans to suit your financial situation, Allianz PremierLink lets you secure your family’s financial future with a minimum coverage amount of RM350,000.
Flexible coverage term to suit your financial situation
We understand everyone has different financial needs and situations. As such, Allianz PremierLink lets you choose your coverage term to suit your financial needs. Your policy will be renewed automatically up to age 100 without underwriting. 
Mother and Child

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Information sourced from

What's Covered in PremierLink ?

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